Children learn best when they’re tuned in to what they’re doing. “When a child is totally absorbed, digging in the mud, for example, we don’t actually know what they’re learning, but that’s not necessarily what’s important – what’s important is that they’re deeply engaged in it.

Our day starts at 8.40am, when the children come in and self-register. They then choose what they want to do and where they want to do it. We encourage outdoor play as much as possible.

We have a free flow snack available from 09.15 -11.30am which encourages our children to be as independent as possible. They choose what time they want their snack.

At 12.20 we sit down for a short circle time which can include letters and sounds, songs and stories.

We have lunch at 12.30pm then play inside or outside freely.

We plan in the moment alongside children’s individual interests and next steps are carried out during their engagement in their activity.