Monday – Friday | 08.40am – 3.10pm |
Children need to bring a packed lunch.
Term-time only (see Wiltshire Council website for term dates)
The fees are £4.90 for two-year-olds and £4.70 for three- and four-year-olds per hour payable either monthly in advance. The Pre-School is registered for Early Years Entitlement Funding and does so on behalf of all those eligible. This takes effect at the start of the term following your child’s third birthday. We can now provide up to 30 hours per week of funding and this can be taken over a number of days, with a minimum of 2.5 hours claimed for each day. This can also be split between two settings. Any additional hours must be paid for by the parents. We also offer two-year-old funding for little ones eligible following their 2nd birthday.
Payment of fees
- Fees will be invoiced monthly in advance.
- You will receive an invoice at the beginning of each month.
- A minimum of one month’s notice in writing is required if your child is leaving pre-school or one month’s fee in lieu of written notice. If your child is leaving at the end of the summer term then this does not apply.
- Fees are due for all periods during term time including those when your child is absent due to sickness or holidays. An exception to this is that of statutory bank holidays.
- All fees are payable within ten days of the date on the invoice. If you are unable to comply with this then please contact our Manager to organise an alternative payment method. Failure to meet the agreed payment terms may mean your child is excluded from the pre-school.
- Late payments will incur an admin fee of 5% for the first month. 10% for the second month and 20% for the third month.